How to get creation date of netezza table

I have a table in Toad Data point. It is a netezza table and I really need to know when it was created. I've searched this forum and other sources but can't seem to find an answer. I tried

Double-click on the table within the Object Explorer, or right-click on the table and select "View Details". That will bring up a "Viewer" doc tab on the right-hand side workspace. Click on the "Properties" subtab, and you should see all kinds of info about your table, including its attributes, data, etc.

I don't have a properties subtab in the Viewer. I'm thinking it has something to do with permissions maybe?

Playing around, I did discover that If I click the LIBRARY option it gives me the created and updated dates of files in the library I'm currently working in. Now I have to figure out how to get to another library.

Hmmm... since I don't have a Netezza instance to test with, we'll have to wait for one of the PM or dev folks to chime in here. It's unlikely that this is a permissions issue, but we'll see...