How to run .sql file with multiple "same" parameter

I have a script that has many select with the same parameter, let's call it "&param".
everytime the script runs, and the statement needs the &param value, it asks me, instead of just keeping the value i entered previewsly. SO if the script contains 25 "&param", it asks me 25times to enter the value.
In PL SQL , the variable &param was considered a variable, and was asked once.

To run this script i did:

  1. Editor/ Load and execute a Script File
  2. Select my .sql script.
  3. Enter the value in the "variable" window, asking for "&param" value.
  4. click OK.
  5. The script runs the first select.
  6. Encounters a &param again, asks the value.

Didn't find any option to let him know every &param is the same.
Any way to do this?

Using Toad 16.1 and 14.2

Use a double ampersand to indicate "I already told you the value"

select *
from dept
where deptno = &&param1;

select *
from dept
where deptno = &&param1;

select *
from dept
where deptno = &&param1;

Awesome that worked perfectly, thanks!