I have a script that has many select with the same parameter, let's call it "¶m".
everytime the script runs, and the statement needs the ¶m value, it asks me, instead of just keeping the value i entered previewsly. SO if the script contains 25 "¶m", it asks me 25times to enter the value.
In PL SQL , the variable ¶m was considered a variable, and was asked once.
To run this script i did:
- Editor/ Load and execute a Script File
- Select my .sql script.
- Enter the value in the "variable" window, asking for "¶m" value.
- click OK.
- The script runs the first select.
- Encounters a ¶m again, asks the value.
Didn't find any option to let him know every ¶m is the same.
Any way to do this?
Using Toad 16.1 and 14.2