import .dbf files

I just started using toad for sql server and I’m trying to import a .dbf file into my server using toad.

When I try to add the file in hte iport wizard, I get this error message:

The file contains null character and cannot be processed. You may be able to remove the null characters by resaving the file in Notepad.

the .dbf file is created by another division and they are not willing to change the format to something more useful.

Any ideas?

Hi Geoff,

I’m not quite familiar with that feature. would it be possible for you to share the file with me so we can investigate?

Hi Geoff,
Toad doesn’t supoprt .dbf file format in Impot Wizard for now (on 5.5 and upcoming 5.7 version). You can convert it to any supported format and then use Import feature in Toad. Or ask to provide data in Toad supported file formats: csv, xls, xlsx, xlsm, fil, txt, xml.


I have create an idea pound for import data from any ODBC/OLE-DB source.

The details is here :

If you want you can vote this, and hope in the future will be implemented.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti