'' is not a valid integer value Toad 16.1

It looks like Toad isn't able to access the LDAP server. Or if it is, it can't find OPMI in there.

Can you connect to this DB using SQL*Plus?

You can turn on some debug logging in Toad like this:

  1. Close Toad.
  2. Edit Toad.ini with notepad. (Go here if you need help locating this file)
  3. in Toad.ini, under [SETTINGS], add: LDAPLogFileName=c:\temp\ldap.txt
    You can use whatever path/filename you want for the file.
  4. Run Toad
  5. In the login window, click the dropdown on the LDAP tab.
  6. Close Toad and look in the file from step 3. It will tell you if it had errors or succeeded.