Issue: Adding new NotNull Attribute

If I use “add” to add a new attribute, set this attribute NotNull and click after this “apply”, close the window and reopen it: the attribute is Nullable!

I don’t why, but the Toad Modeler forget the NotNull information.

But if I use “add” to add a new attribute, click “apply”, and then I set this attribute NotNull and click after this “apply”, close the window and reopen it: the attribute is NotNull!

Hi Berthold,

I am not able to reproduce this. When I create new attribute, set it to NotNull by checking the checkbox and click Apply, all changes seem to be correctly saved. Closing and reopening the Entity window doesn’t change anything.

Please write me more details, there are two buttons Add in entity window. I also wonder how you normally close the dialog. By pressing the red cross icon, by clicking OK or…?



Hi Berthold,
this problem occurs in previous version (3.5) and was already fixed in TDM 3.6.
