t_arc mkc_tp_archive_list := mkc_tp_archive_list();
l_return clob;
select json_object(t_arc returning clob)
into l_return
from dual;
Clob result like [...]
I'm getting a (Toad) syntax check error on above code (conversion Collection type to Clob), whilst this is valid code for Oracle it self (it compiles and works fine). A solution is to add a value ('X'), but this will create a new (unwanted) "layer" in the json result.
select json_object('X' value t_arc returning clob)
Clob result like { "X": [...] }
We have installed TOAD version, the most recent version.
Can we download the most recent version of the QP5.dll library "separately" somewhere?
Thanks in advance!
The version of QP5 that should contain this fix is available in Toad for Oracle Beta 14.2.71 and higher, and will be available in the full 14.2 version once it's released in about a month or so. Unfortunately, there is no separate download for QP5 standalone. The best way to get it is to download the beta and use it with that version of Toad.
You can find the beta version here:
Feel free to give it a shot there and let us know if you run into any problems.