Massively updating the attributes data type to chosen domain

Hi all,

I have an issue with Toad Data Modeler.

We are modeling a normalized layer for our data warehouse.

For homogeneity reason we wish to make sure that each field use a standard Domain, defined in TOAD.

But changing the attributes one by one take forever and I am looking for a way to massively change them, I tried to use the Export/import excel function but it doesn’t work. My understanding is that this functionality is not provided by this import/export.

Is there any way you can recommend me to do so ?

Or there are no way to your knowledge to do such operation ?

Thank you in advance for your help !

Hello Clement,

As you guessed, Excel Import/Export isn’t really meant for this purpose. In your case you might want to use scripting to change multiple attribute data types. Enable Expert Mode in Options | General and go to Expert Mode Menu | Scripting Window. This is the place where you write your own scripts in TDM.

There are some resources available on scripting, see Help | Projects and Models | Scripting and Customization. If you like, you may try the following script, which changes ALL attributes to “Domain1” including PKs, FKs (you can change the name in script).

function main()
var e, a, Entity, Attribute;
var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘Domain1’); //Change name of the Domain here

if (Domain == null)
   Log.Information('Domain "Domain1" does not exist.')


for (e=0; e<Model.Entities.Count; e++)
Entity = Model.Entities.GetObject(e);

  for (a=0; a<Entity.Attributes.Count; a++)
      Attribute = Entity.Attributes.GetObject(a);
      if (Attribute.DataType!=null)
          Attribute.SetLinkedObject('DataType', null);




Hi, you might find some useful information in this blog article:…/assign-existing-domain-to-selected-columns.aspx

It shows how to assign Domain to selected attributes.


Thanks for you answers, both of you.

Vaclav, this package is useful but not precisely in that case, since I wish to apply the domain to certain type of fields, depending on their data type, and the object explorer doesn’t show data type.

Lukas, I reused your script, and after few tweak I made it work.

Here is the script I used : (WARNING IT GENERATE LOTS OF LOG, i still need to clean this)

function main()


var e, a, Entity, Attribute, aqString, aSubString, Res;

// var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘Domain1’); //Change name of the Domain here

/* if (Domain == null)


Log.Information(‘Domain ‘+Domain+’ does not exist.’)




for (e=0; e<Model.Entities.Count; e++)


Entity = Model.Entities.GetObject(e);


for (a=0; a<Entity.Attributes.Count; a++)


Log.Information('Check the table '+Entity.Name);

Attribute = Entity.Attributes.GetObject(a);

if (Attribute.DataType!=null)


var data_type = Attribute.DataType.Name;

var attribute_name = Attribute.Name;

Log.Information('Check the ‘+attribute_name+’ field of type '+data_type);

var not_sys_table = 0

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘Enculer’);

switch (attribute_name) {

case ‘sys_sourcename’ :

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘sys_large’);

var text = ‘sys_large’;


default :

var text_att = attribute_name;

var not_sys_table = 1;

Log.Information(‘Have not found ‘+text_att +’ in the system attributes’ ) ;


if(not_sys_table == 1)


Log.Information('We check the other type of fields ’ +data_type ) ;

switch(data_type) {

case ‘Character varying’:

if(Attribute.DataTypeParam1 <180){

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘small text’);

var text = ‘small_text’;


else if(Attribute.DataTypeParam1 >1800){

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘large text’);

var text = ‘large_text’; }

else {

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘medium text’);

var text = ‘medium_text’;



case ‘Character varying(%p1)’:

if(Attribute.DataTypeParam1 <180){

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘small text’);

var text = ‘small_text’;


else if(Attribute.DataTypeParam1 >1800){

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘large text’);

var text = ‘large_text’; }

else {

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘medium text’);

var text = ‘medium_text’;



case ‘Timestamp without time zone’:

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘date and time’);

var text = ‘date and time’;


default :

var Domain = Model.Domains.GetObjectByName(‘none existing domain’);

var text_att = Attribute.Name;

var not_sys_table = 1

Log.Information('Have not found in other '+text_att+ 'with type '+Attribute.DataType ) ;



if (Domain == null)


Log.Information(‘Domain ‘+text+’ does not exist.’)



Attribute.SetLinkedObject(‘DataType’, null);








It take a little bit of time, and you may wish to change the rules to apply the different domain but it works.

One issue, if there is a attribute he can’t change, the function will stop and will leave your model and entities locked, you may need to use a othe piece of code to unlock them. (since I don’t know how to do it manually)