Oracle model update and domains


I have database model in TDM and I’m using domains to define attributes in tables. But in Oracle there are no domains. After using Model update options domains in tables attributes are removed.

Is it possible to change model update process? I think it would be nice to compare only data type and other params in attributes and domain defined in TDM.

best regards
Adam Siwon

Message was edited by: traptak

Hello Adam,

Yes, you can influence what items should be compared and merged during Model Update.
On page Select Object Types in the wizard, you can turn off Domains - clear the Domains checkbox. Or on page Select Items, you can manually modify what items you want to merge.

Please watch the following movie on model merge (from particular step, the same as model update):

  • read the PDF doc available there too.

If you have any questions, please write me back.



Hello Vladka,

I have checked how works model update after turning off option compare Domains. Now in entities attributes still are differences. Its because in TDM for attributes with domains there are no data types but in the Oracle database there are data types for columns.
For example in Source model data type value is: integer and in Destination model there is no data type.
I can turn off compare data types for entities attributes but in this case data types will be not compared for attributes defined in TDM with domains and without domains - there will be no control. Is it other solution available?

I have also the next problem. For primary keys attributes I have set sequence. After model update this sequence is shown as entity attribute difference. Where I can turn off compare of this property? There is no Sequence option for entities attributes for selection to compare.

I have also problem with speed of folding/unfolding compare tree. It is very slow. I have model with 300 entities. Unfolding all differences takes more than 10 minutes. I think it would be also usefull option fold/unfold all from selected trees element (for example: selected entity)

best regards
Adam Siwon

Hello Adam,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

... For example in Source model data type value is: integer and in Destination model there is no data type. I can turn off compare data types for entities attributes but in this case data types will be not compared for attributes defined in TDM with domains and without domains - there will be no control. Is it other solution available?

Unfortunately, there isn't a solution at the moment. In any case, we will definitely deal with this issue. CR 77 577.
Thanks for raising this issue!

  1. In current Beta 3.6 it is possible to turn on/off particular OTPs. Please clear the Sequences checkbox (under Model item) on page Select Object Types (Detailed Settings) in the Sync & Convert Wizard.

  2. At the moment there are only options Expand All and Collapse All.
    We will add them to individual nodes (selected items) too. Thanks for your suggestion. CR 77 578.

Thanks for your great co-operation!


Vladka + TDM Team


Change request CR 77577 and is addressed for the upcoming TDM 4 in June.
Change request CR 77578 and was addressed in BETA and for the upcoming TDM 4 in June.


R&D Team

Message was edited by: Lukas


I’ve tried to compare a TDM-Model with its implementation on an oracle database, the attributes based on domains are still not beeing translated in data types and shown as differences.

This should be in the solved in TDM Version 4 (CR 77577), could you pls. explain how it works?



Hi Bogdan,

on TDM 3.6 and olders, when comparing and have attributes based on domains and you uncheck Domains in Select Object Types in Detailed Settings of the Wizard, you still get the difference in Data Type. But with the option Force Compare by Data Type checked in TDM 4 Wizard, you just don’t get any differences in Data Types anymore.
