Messy but harmless error when launching generated script

Any script that I generate begins with this :

Created: 1/6/2014
Modified: 1/9/2014
Model: Insight Publisher
Database: Oracle 11g Release 2

When I run the script, I get this:

SP2-0042: unknown command “/" - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning “Created: 1…” - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning “Modified: …” - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning “Model: Ins…” - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0044: For a list of known commands enter HELP
and to leave enter EXIT.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning “Database: …” - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0042: unknown command "
/” - rest of line ignored.

The remainder of the script runs fine.

There seems to be some unrecognizable, invisible character at the beginning of the line. Where is the template that generates this? Seems that I could fix it easily enough if I could find it. Seems to be a default before script somewhere.


I believe the problem seems to be in the application that you use for running the generated script.Toad Data Modeler generates output files in UTF-8 by default.

If you need to generate SQL file in ANSI (or UFT-8 without BOM) encoding , click Settings | Options and change settings in section Physical Model.


Good luck!

Thank you. That fixed it.