the spool sql results in 2 errors.
ORA-01006: bind variable does note exist
as the query below does not provide information about :TABNAME
Select cols.column_id, cols.column_name as Name, cols.nullable,
cols.data_type as Type, cols.data_type_mod,
decode(cols.data_type, 'CHAR', cols.char_length,
'VARCHAR', cols.char_length,
'VARCHAR2', cols.char_length,
'NCHAR', cols.char_length,
'NVARCHAR', cols.char_length,
'NVARCHAR2', cols.char_length,
null) nchar_length,
decode(cols.data_type, 'NUMBER', cols.data_precision + cols.data_scale, cols.data_length) length,
cols.data_precision Precision, cols.data_scale Scale, cols.data_length dlength, cols.data_default
,cols.hidden_column, cols.internal_column_id
,InitCap(cols.histogram) histogram
,cols.num_distinct, cols.num_nulls, round(cols.density, 5) density
,cols.user_generated, cols.default_on_null, cols.identity_column
sys.user_col_comments coms,
sys.user_tab_cols cols
where 1=1
and coms.table_name (+) = cols.Table_Name
and coms.column_name (+) = cols.column_Name
and coms.origin_con_id (+) = TO_NUMBER(sys_context('USERENV','CON_ID'))
and cols.table_name = :TABNAME
order by column_id, internal_column_id
ORA-00936: missing expression
FROM <our table>
Whenever I try to change the option "Use NOPARALLEL hint" I get the error below.
After resetting all settings and executing the same steps, no ORA errors appear + the "Use NOPARALLEL hint" setting can be changed succesfully.
Kind regards