Since 12.5. pick list does not work any more when connected via PROXY, it even throws ORA-01005 when I want to trigger it or when the intervall is over.
It works fine only if I am NOT connected with a proxy.
I can't reproduce the ORA-1005, but it won't work with the ANSI join on more than one table anyway. There was a bug in 12.5 and 12.6 where ANSI join on more than one table fails. A single JOIN is OK. This has been fixed for 12.7 which is currently in beta.
I created my proxy user...
create user scott_proxy identified by scott_proxy;
grant create session to scott_proxy;
alter user scott grant connect through scott_proxy;
...and connected to Toad using SCOTT_PROXY[SCOTT]/scott_proxy. At this point I can see queries being executed fine by viewing the spooled SQL output, but the bug in 12.5/6 is preventing anything useful from coming of it. I tried with the save passwords option
both on and off.
Thread created by stefan.polzer
Hello IT-Colleagues,
I hope you can help me out here!
Since 12.5. pick list does not work any more when connected via PROXY, it even throws ORA-01005 when I want to trigger it or when the intervall is over.
It works fine only if I am NOT connected with a proxy.
thanks a lot for the quick reply! My error message comes up regardless ANSI or ORACLE joins. I could also type SELECT FROM SYS. … and I would get the same error. So I assume the bug fixed in 12.7. will not help me, will it? It is so strange that it works out when connecting directly instead of proxy access. I have stored the passwords, btw.