Afternoon all,
that message got stopped by our profanity police! I am told that the
word c-h-i-n-k is profane and derogatory, even when applied to the sound
of coins clanking together. Go figure!
Anyway, Toad commits when you hit the commit button in the editor
(provided you executed the SQL in the editor). Toad will commit is there
is a commit in the script and you F5 it.
Also, and in my opinion, a bad thing, Toad can be set to auto commit
after every statement. Turn it off because it makes a mockery of the
definition of a “transaction”.
If you run separate threads, you have to commit in the same thread. SO
if you are in this mode and have lots of MOEs open, I think, you need to
be sure that you commit in the same tab as the SQL you want to commit.
Either by highlighting a COMMIT; statement and F9ing or clicking the
commit button.
Norm. [TeamT]
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