Hi Cindy,
This request is in the Toad Idea pond. We are in Feature Freeze for Toad 12.1. It will be in the release after this one.
From: Cindy Kennedy [mailto:bounce-cindykennedy@toadworld.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:24 AM
To: toadoraclebeta@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] REQUEST - Toad Team Coding Code Collections - Please Add Tables, Indexes to Code Collections Database Object Types
REQUEST - Toad Team Coding Code
Collections - Please Add Tables, Indexes to Code Collections Database Object Types
Thread created by Cindy Kennedy
We are implementing Toad (v12.0) Team Coding with TFS 2012 for our application developers, but it is a big gap that we cannot control Tables and Indexes within the Toad Team Coding. On the other
hand, SQL Navigator 7.0 does control these and many other object types within Team Coding.
We do like the Toad Team Coding with TFS 2012 functionality, however, it would be a more "complete’ solution if tables and indexes were also recognized and controlled.
Could you please add this capability to Toad v 12.1? It is very important to us!
Kind regards,
Senior Project Manager
Canada WCBU FDC Consolidation Project
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Cell: 403-615-4541
Office: 17SE 2.02
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