Save breakpoints with project for later debug

Toad should provide a way to save all set breakpoints in packages (or functions or procedures or every piece of code where debugging is allowed) in order to resume a debugging session later, maybe the following working day or maybe after a crash (which happens a lot with Toad). It's very time consuming to have to set all of them again after any of the prior circumstances happen, plus many of them can be placed in "strategic" lines or may include conditions.

Debugging capabilities are almost useless for me without this functionality, as any reasonably sized project cannot be debugged in such so short/simple packages that they are possible to debug in a single day (and also such potential "simple" packages don't usually need to be debugged to a great extent at all), plus in my case Toad never lasts more than 5 minutes without crashing.

We are currently working on the debugger by adding a JDWP debugger.  I would like to know more about your use case as well as about Toad crashing. Would you be willing to have a meeting with me on this subject and show us what is occurring? Please email me at Hope to hear from you

This has been discovered to be a bug that has been in Toad for a number of years now and has been logged.

Hi Debbie,

Toad gets stopped working while debugging with jdwp. Can you suggest on this issue?

Hi sankara.koppala,

If you have a separate issue unrelated to the request in the original post please create a new post on the forums with some additional information as to how we might be able to reproduce the issue that you're having.
