Select * Toad 5.5 fails

Upgraded from 4.? to get away from the Alter table failure. Now I can’t do a simple SELECT * on any table in my database…

Selecting distinct columns doesn’t work either.

Both attempts generate an System.InvalidCastException error…

Here is the full error message:

At least one element in the source array could not be cast down to the destination array type.
Stack Trace:
at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
at System.Collections.ArrayList.ToArray(Type type)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.get_FilteredChunkTypes()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.ContentForNavigator(ChunkTypes contentType, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.Parse(String text, Boolean checkSyntax)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.Parse(Boolean processParserMessages, Boolean syntaxCheck)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.DoExecuteSqlStatement()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.ExecuteSqlScript()

What’s going on? Surely this isn’t a problem for everyone?

Hi Brian,

Can you please let me know how your query looks like?
What you have in the editor at the moment of execution? I mean is there anything else besides the select statement?
What SQL Server version do you have?

Sql Server 2005

Only thing in the query window is the select statement.

An example - using the Adventureworks database:


Just to make sure I've not gotten any of the selections for which database the query is to run against:


I get the same error no matter which database I choose.

At least one element in the source array could not be cast down to the destination array type.
Stack Trace:
at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
at System.Collections.ArrayList.ToArray(Type type)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.get_FilteredChunkTypes()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.ContentForNavigator(ChunkTypes contentType, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.Parse(String text, Boolean checkSyntax)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.Parse(Boolean processParserMessages, Boolean syntaxCheck)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.Parse(Boolean processParserMessages)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.Parse()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.DoExecuteSqlScript()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.ExecuteSqlScript()

If I use the "Verify SQL" button on the toolbar, I receive "executed successfully"

I just installed Toad, upgrading from v4.5 - should I try re-installing it?

I've attached a screen capture of the Toad session if that helps.

Thanks and regards

Can you please send to me one of your file from toad’s application data directory:
\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Quest Software\Toad for SQL Server 5.5\ModuleSettings[b]Editor.xml[/b]
Many thanks in advance!

Also can you please close toad, remane the file and run toad again - can you still see the issue?

Valentine - thanks for your help. Renamed Editor.XML and tried again - SELECT * now works just fine.

I’ve attached the file per your instructions.

Kindest regards.
Editor2.xml (15.8 KB)