snail mail --> Automation – Variables (Automation variables using datasets)

What would be the easiest way to change output from “Automation – Variables (Automation variables using datasets)” from email to output to a text file and then manually mail out.


TDA Newbie


I’m not sure I understand correctly what you need. You’re referencing ‘Automation – Variables (Automation variables using datasets)’ blog. Does it mean you want to customize the example from it? If yes - then in what part? Can you please clarify your use case a bit?



No customizing, just the basics to get started. Email is blocked at my company. No rights to write to C: drive, so I have enough excitement adapting Network drives to work. I have complex queries to write, save for later in a text file (.txt). This zip file looks like a mail merge, which is exactly what I need. Now to get all the output to save in just one text file.


TDA Newbie

I was able to build the text file sample that I requested (csv).


TDA Newbie

How did you do this? Can you post your csv sample here or send it to me directly (



Hi Igor,

I cheated a little, to get it done quickly. For what I needed, we made Oracle do the looping with concatenation. Then used simple TDA “Connection” with “File” outputing to CSV (now HTML due to commas in output). It works perfectly! Below is some of the SQL used.

Select concat(‘SELECT ‘, concat(chr(39), concat(View_Name, concat(chr(39), concat (’,A.* From DWABCDE.’, concat (View_Name, ’ A Where A.Client_No = 0;’))))))
from all_views
Where view_name like ‘ZVH_%’
or View_name like ‘ZVC_%’
or view_name like ‘ZTSD_%’
or view_name like ‘ZTSM_%’
or view_name like ‘ZTSY_%’
group by View_Name
Order By View_Name


TDA Newbie (Mark B.)