All versions i tested so far 6.2, 6.7, 7.2 (Trial) have same problem.
When i trying to use EXPLAIN_PLAN the Plan tree not displaying,
The data still appear into table SYS.PLAN_TABLE$
Is there anything with configuration ? Any option to fix?
Thank you in advance.
Hi sagittarius_A,
The plan Table owner should be your current schema name, Could you try to change to your current schema name?
The plan generated correctly into the table mentioned in Plan Table
I have several versions of SQL Navigator 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 7.2 (Trial)
The only version where Plan Table works is 6.3
but i like to have latest version and 6.7 works fine to me.
I hope there is any explanation why Explain Plan works in 6.3 Version only and not works in later versions.
HI sagittarius_A,
We are sitll looking into your issue.
Did the issue happen after run your query? or try to our new beta v7.4 build.