I’ve spent part of the rainy sunday to study part of the user guide, an now I have a better knowledge of TDM… I like it!
About naming conventions, anyway, IMHO I’d like to see something different… maybe is too much based on my own naming rules… but … I give my opinions anyway…
What I’dlike to have is:
1)for names potentially dependant on other object’s names, a way to refer to them… some “substitution macro”, like %entity% or %attribute%. More sofisticated, also, something %entity:L5% or %entity:R5% (that means, take the first five chars on the left (on the right for the second of entity name)
2) a way to relate to original caption, so that instead of having suffix or prefix, you have only one field, that you can generate this way: %entity:L5%_%caption%_SUFFIX
3) I like macro concept, but what about having some sort of “event”? something like “Macro to call after naming”, so that I can create a macro (with some predefined structure where I receive relevant parameters) so that is possible to customize “on fly” physical names attribution?
4) a “max total length” numeric value, that checks you don’t overflow certain limits
Expanding a little bit point 1), I see interesting to have, for each object name, these macros:
for all: %caption% referring to itself’s caption
-for attributes: %entity% (and maybe %entitycaption%)
for check constraints on attributes: %entity% and %attribute%
for keys: %entity%
for indexes: %entity% and %progressive% (numeric progressive for index: 1 for the first one, 2 for the second… etc, so that you can have names like TABLE_IX_1)
for table check constraint: same as indexes
for triggers: %entity% %event% (before-after) %scope% (row or instruction) %progressive%
for relationships: %parent% and %child% (so you can have PARENT_FK_CHILD kind of names) %progressive% (you can have more than one relation with same parent and child)
Thanks for your feedback on naming conventions!
Our developers will definitely deal with your suggestions. Although they will need more time to go through it and consider what is possible etc.
I’ve created a CR for this. CR # 68 986.
I didn’t expected a quick answer on this, because I understand I am asking something a little bit complicated and a lot different from what is now. It’s based on some years of experience…
Anyway, if I cut some corners and instead of searching a so generic solution I try to satisfy my needs only, based on your experience you think I can achieve some results with customisation and scripting? thanks…
I’ve just wanted to inform you about possibilities to customize TDM. I can see you have just started exploring TDM. The customization possibilities are not visible at first sight but there are some great things that can be done in TDM - user packages, scripting, defining naming conventions, modification of default values, user OTPs, macros (execution of script)…
I’m pleased to inform you that we keep improving these features (e.g. visual components for creation of macros will be available in the upcoming Beta) and are also working on a feature Application Variables, which you will definitely appreciate.
So, feel free to further explore TDM and please join our Beta program where the new features and improvements are introduced and tested. There is a room for users to raise other suggestions and recommendations to make the new features perfect for commercial releases.
If you need any help with scripting etc., please write us here. Our developers will be happy to help.
thanks for your answer.
I’ve taken a look at videos and docs about customization and scripting… It’s very powerful but it takes some time to dig inside… I think I will start using TDM as is, then as soon as I will have perfectly clear in my mind what I exactly need I’ll also start to investigate how to achieve the result… Then I’ll study examples and docs and if I’ll go in trouble I definitely ask here in forums for some help… thanks!!