
Hi, I write a simple query:

select sum(b.variable) as loan_amt

from DatabaseName.dbo.TableName a

left join DatabaseName.dbo.TableName2 b

on …

Then I got the error below, any help?

‘false’ is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 6, position 62.
Stack Trace:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowExpectingWhitespace(Int32 pos)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlSubtreeReader.Read()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.ParseChunk(SemanticTree nodes, NavigatorNode parentNode, XmlReader reader)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.DeepParseXml(SemanticTree nodes, NavigatorNode parentNode, ChunkTypes chunkType, String xml, Boolean findTagChunk)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.Parsers.SqlParser.Parse(String text, Boolean checkSyntax)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.Parse(Boolean processParserMessages, Boolean syntaxCheck, Boolean parseSelection, Boolean pShowAllWarnings)
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.DoExecuteSqlScript()
at Quest.Toad.Editor.EditorForm.ExecuteSqlScript()


I’ll try to reproduce the issue. But could you please let me know, what database and TDP version do you use?

Thank you.


Thank you for your reply.

I use bank database. TDP version:

I believe it’s related to some option of the software that I need to turn on/off. It’s not syntax issue.



From: Libor.Witasek []

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 8:26 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] System.Xml.XmlException

RE: System.Xml.XmlException

Reply by Libor.Witasek


I’ll try to reproduce the issue. But could you please let me know, what database and TDP version do you use?

Thank you.


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I meant what type of database do you use (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, etc…).

There seems to be some problem in parser. So I need to know, which syntax do you exactly use.

Thank you.


It’s sql server, I use regular sql syntax.



From: Libor.Witasek []

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 9:06 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] System.Xml.XmlException

RE: System.Xml.XmlException

Reply by Libor.Witasek


I meant what type of database do you use (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, etc…).

There seems to be some problem in parser. So I need to know, which syntax do you exactly use.

Thank you.


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This is definitely some kind of deep parsing error that would be done by code completion. It is complaining about Line 6.

Expecting white space. Line 6, position 62.

Look at the line and see what is there. I would also suggest to download latest Beta and see if the same script has that issue.

Parsers are integral part of SQL Editors and changes are made quite often. So the parser used in TDP 4.0 will not be the same as latest TDPs.

I even don’t have anything in line 6, position 62.

Line6: on a.LoanNum=b.LoanNum and a.SnapshotKey= b.SnapshotKey. That’s it.

It’s less than 62 characters.



From: Debbie Peabody []

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 10:28 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] System.Xml.XmlException

RE: System.Xml.XmlException

Reply by Debbie Peabody

This is definitely some kind of deep parsing error that would be done by code completion. It is complaining about Line 6.

Expecting white space. Line 6, position 62.

Look at the line and see what is there. I would also suggest to download latest Beta and see if the same script has that issue.

Parsers are integral part of SQL Editors and changes are made quite often. So the parser used in TDP 4.0 will not be the same as latest TDPs.

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The error on line 6, position 62 comes from the parser, which uses XML representation internally. So actually this position doesn’t say anything about your SQL statement.

However I was able to reproduce the error, when I replaced one space character by Unicode No-Break Space character (

We already have reported similar problem (QP-2617) and the parser team is working on the issue.

But this means that your SQL statement contains one or more incorrect characters. Most probably you copied this from some application or web page, which replaced the space symbols.

I would recommend you to check if the statement contains only correct spaces and / or replace them manually.


Thanks for your kindly reply.

I turned on some option to make invisible character visible and modified as I needed. The problem is solved.



From: Libor.Witasek []

Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 7:32 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] System.Xml.XmlException

RE: System.Xml.XmlException

Reply by Libor.Witasek

The error on line 6, position 62 comes from the parser, which uses XML representation internally. So actually this position doesn’t say anything about your SQL statement.

However I was able to reproduce the error, when I replaced one space character by Unicode No-Break Space character (

We already have reported similar problem (QP-2617) and the parser team is working on the issue.

But this means that your SQL statement contains one or more incorrect characters. Most probably you copied this from some application or web page, which replaced the space symbols.

I would recommend you to check if the statement contains only correct spaces and / or replace them manually.


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