Table schema automation

Message from: street

Is there a way to automate toad to generate a script that incrementally adds
partitions to a table schema?
Exemple: Each day needs a partition and each partition has 15 recurring
subpartitions. In total the table will have 450 partitions. Before I turn to C
sharp, is there a way to do this in Toad?

Historical Messages

Author: street stafen
Date: Tue Oct 05 11:55:05 PDT 2010
Is there a way to automate toad to generate a script that incrementally adds
partitions to a table schema?
Exemple: Each day needs a partition and each partition has 15 recurring
subpartitions. In total the table will have 450 partitions. Before I turn to C
sharp, is there a way to do this in Toad?


Is there a way to automate toad to generate a script that
incrementally adds partitions to a table schema?
Example: Each day needs a partition and each partition has
15 recurring sub partitions. In total the table will have
450 partitions. Before I turn to C sharp, is there a way to
do this in Toad?

PL/SQL instead of c# perhaps? Writing to dbms_output or, better, using
UTL_FILE to generate a script on the server?

Then just do in PL/SQL what you are about to do in c# to generate the

I used to have a system years ago which I had partitioned by month. I
used to run a script via windows scheduler (for it was not Unix at the
time) which connected, built a new partition and added it to the table
automagically. The partition name was based on the YYYY_MM part of the
date (for the following month).

This was executed a few days before the month end. Worked fine. Granted
sub-partitions didn't exist back then though. It meant that I could
create the table with the minimum number of partitions and then, as
needed, create a new one in time for the next month's data.

Norm. [TeamT]

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