Team coding performance with GIT

Hi Mounika,

This question has come up from a few others on the forums previously. Most of the time, the large performance decrease can be attributed to anti-virus software installed on the user's machine with real-time scanning. One way you can address this is by whitelisting both the Git command-line client application, as well as both your local Git repository folder and Toad's application data folder. In both folders, files are constantly being added, changed, and sometimes removed. With real-time scanning enabled, those files are constantly scanned any time a change is happening which slows down the VCS's performance. You can read a bit more about some of these issues in the following links, or by searching for this issue among the Toad for Oracle forum. It's something we've heard reports for both Git as well as Subversion clients, but I would suspect it'd happen for others as well.

The other potential issue is that Toad will call the command-line client multiple times to query specific information it needs to manage database objects between the database and the VCS; however, it should not take a day to create a revision. I would check your anti-virus software to make sure that you have the Git command-line client application as well as these locations whitelisted so it doesn't need to scan them every time they're accessed.

Please feel free to let us know if this helps fix the issues you're seeing, and thanks for asking your question on here!
