git/Team Coding slow - looks like several steps repeated


a question regarding Team Coding and git in Toad for Oracle.

Toad Version:

git: git --version
git version

To check out a file usually takes 2-6 seconds for us, is this usual behaviour or is this too long?

I have turned on "VCS debug logging" and there it looks like the same commands are repeated several times for each check out. Is it acting right?
This is the log of a checkout of a single package (Header and Body in separate files)

12:26:54 ==================================================================
12:26:54 Method Name: VCS Command
12:26:54 Request:
12:26:54 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" status
12:26:55 Response:
12:26:55 On branch master
12:26:55 Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 26 commits.
12:26:55 (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
12:26:55 nothing to commit, working tree clean
12:26:55 ==================================================================
12:26:55 ==================================================================
12:26:55 Method Name: VCS Command
12:26:55 Request:
12:26:55 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" status
12:26:55 Response:
12:26:55 On branch master
12:26:55 Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 26 commits.
12:26:55 (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
12:26:55 nothing to commit, working tree clean
12:26:55 ==================================================================
12:27:00 ==================================================================
12:27:00 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:00 Request:
12:27:00 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" status
12:27:00 Response:
12:27:00 On branch master
12:27:00 Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 26 commits.
12:27:00 (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
12:27:00 nothing to commit, working tree clean
12:27:00 ==================================================================
12:27:01 ==================================================================
12:27:01 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:01 Request:
12:27:01 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" ls-tree --name-only -d HEAD
12:27:01 Response:
12:27:01 Diagramm
12:27:01 Migration
12:27:01 data
12:27:01 vm_database
12:27:01 ==================================================================
12:27:01 Info: Logged into Git
12:27:01 ==================================================================
12:27:01 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:01 Request:
12:27:01 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" ls-tree --name-only -d -r HEAD
12:27:02 Response:
12:27:02 ./
12:27:02 Diagramm
12:27:02 Migration
12:27:02 data
12:27:02 vm_database
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/INDEX
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/PACKAGE
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/SEQUENCE
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/TABLE
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/TRIGGER
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB/VIEW
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB_APEX
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB_APEX/INDEX
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB_APEX/TABLE
12:27:02 vm_database/ORCL.ORACLEVM/RUFB_APEX/VIEW
12:27:02 ==================================================================
12:27:02 ==================================================================
12:27:02 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:02 Request:
12:27:02 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 Response:
12:27:05 commit e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987
12:27:05 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:05 Date: 1539095881 +0200
12:27:05 Zwischenstand
"12:27:05 :100644 100644 a61436d e3d0f25 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 commit caca10b0ca8bf731f197fd13b20925e748e01b07
12:27:05 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:05 Date: 1537538136 +0200
12:27:05 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:05 :100644 100644 11878dd a61436d M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 commit 5a06ef8ae16d0d88ed4be8299952e401d682db92
12:27:05 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:05 Date: 1536743113 +0200
12:27:05 Zwischenstand
"12:27:05 :100644 100644 ebfae55 11878dd M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 commit 7bdb173f1b28c330b13b26cb3a9dde8d8f31d7bd
12:27:05 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:05 Date: 1535126516 +0200
12:27:05 Zwischenstand
"12:27:05 :100644 100644 0f65272 ebfae55 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 commit a1f6a6c714c8c5014f2de141f3dd5e2770e37e00
12:27:05 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:05 Date: 1534928850 +0200
12:27:05 Comment
"12:27:05 :000000 100644 0000000 0f65272 A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:05 ==================================================================
12:27:06 ==================================================================
12:27:06 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:06 Request:
12:27:06 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 Response:
12:27:06 commit e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987
12:27:06 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:06 Date: 1539095881 +0200
12:27:06 Zwischenstand
"12:27:06 :100644 100644 a61436d e3d0f25 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 commit caca10b0ca8bf731f197fd13b20925e748e01b07
12:27:06 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:06 Date: 1537538136 +0200
12:27:06 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:06 :100644 100644 11878dd a61436d M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 commit 5a06ef8ae16d0d88ed4be8299952e401d682db92
12:27:06 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:06 Date: 1536743113 +0200
12:27:06 Zwischenstand
"12:27:06 :100644 100644 ebfae55 11878dd M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 commit 7bdb173f1b28c330b13b26cb3a9dde8d8f31d7bd
12:27:06 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:06 Date: 1535126516 +0200
12:27:06 Zwischenstand
"12:27:06 :100644 100644 0f65272 ebfae55 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 commit a1f6a6c714c8c5014f2de141f3dd5e2770e37e00
12:27:06 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:06 Date: 1534928850 +0200
12:27:06 Comment
"12:27:06 :000000 100644 0000000 0f65272 A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:06 ==================================================================
12:27:06 ==================================================================
12:27:06 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:06 Request:
12:27:06 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" checkout e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987 "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 Response:
12:27:07 Updated 1 path from 763c8dc
12:27:07 ==================================================================
12:27:07 ==================================================================
12:27:07 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:07 Request:
12:27:07 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 Response:
12:27:07 commit e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987
12:27:07 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:07 Date: 1539095881 +0200
12:27:07 Zwischenstand
"12:27:07 :100644 100644 a61436d e3d0f25 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 commit caca10b0ca8bf731f197fd13b20925e748e01b07
12:27:07 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:07 Date: 1537538136 +0200
12:27:07 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:07 :100644 100644 11878dd a61436d M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 commit 5a06ef8ae16d0d88ed4be8299952e401d682db92
12:27:07 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:07 Date: 1536743113 +0200
12:27:07 Zwischenstand
"12:27:07 :100644 100644 ebfae55 11878dd M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 commit 7bdb173f1b28c330b13b26cb3a9dde8d8f31d7bd
12:27:07 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:07 Date: 1535126516 +0200
12:27:07 Zwischenstand
"12:27:07 :100644 100644 0f65272 ebfae55 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 commit a1f6a6c714c8c5014f2de141f3dd5e2770e37e00
12:27:07 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:07 Date: 1534928850 +0200
12:27:07 Comment
"12:27:07 :000000 100644 0000000 0f65272 A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:07 ==================================================================
12:27:07 ==================================================================
12:27:07 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:07 Request:
12:27:07 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 Response:
12:27:08 commit e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987
12:27:08 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:08 Date: 1539095881 +0200
12:27:08 Zwischenstand
"12:27:08 :100644 100644 a61436d e3d0f25 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 commit caca10b0ca8bf731f197fd13b20925e748e01b07
12:27:08 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:08 Date: 1537538136 +0200
12:27:08 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:08 :100644 100644 11878dd a61436d M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 commit 5a06ef8ae16d0d88ed4be8299952e401d682db92
12:27:08 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:08 Date: 1536743113 +0200
12:27:08 Zwischenstand
"12:27:08 :100644 100644 ebfae55 11878dd M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 commit 7bdb173f1b28c330b13b26cb3a9dde8d8f31d7bd
12:27:08 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:08 Date: 1535126516 +0200
12:27:08 Zwischenstand
"12:27:08 :100644 100644 0f65272 ebfae55 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 commit a1f6a6c714c8c5014f2de141f3dd5e2770e37e00
12:27:08 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:08 Date: 1534928850 +0200
12:27:08 Comment
"12:27:08 :000000 100644 0000000 0f65272 A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 ==================================================================
12:27:08 ==================================================================
12:27:08 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:08 Request:
12:27:08 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" ls-files "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 Response:
12:27:08 ==================================================================
12:27:08 ==================================================================
12:27:08 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:08 Request:
12:27:08 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" status --short "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:08 ==================================================================
12:27:08 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:08 Request:
12:27:08 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" checkout e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987 "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:09 Response:
12:27:09 Updated 0 paths from 763c8dc
12:27:09 ==================================================================
12:27:09 ==================================================================
12:27:09 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:09 Request:
12:27:09 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:09 Response:
12:27:09 commit e6548b3c4504b6a53375a41de2c818292a95e987
12:27:09 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:09 Date: 1539095881 +0200
12:27:09 Zwischenstand
"12:27:09 :100644 100644 a61436d e3d0f25 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:09 commit caca10b0ca8bf731f197fd13b20925e748e01b07
12:27:09 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:09 Date: 1537538136 +0200
12:27:09 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:09 :100644 100644 11878dd a61436d M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:09 commit 5a06ef8ae16d0d88ed4be8299952e401d682db92
12:27:09 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:09 Date: 1536743113 +0200
12:27:09 Zwischenstand
"12:27:09 :100644 100644 ebfae55 11878dd M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:09 commit 7bdb173f1b28c330b13b26cb3a9dde8d8f31d7bd
12:27:09 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:09 Date: 1535126516 +0200
12:27:10 Zwischenstand
"12:27:10 :100644 100644 0f65272 ebfae55 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:10 commit a1f6a6c714c8c5014f2de141f3dd5e2770e37e00
12:27:10 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:10 Date: 1534928850 +0200
12:27:10 Comment
"12:27:10 :000000 100644 0000000 0f65272 A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKB"
12:27:10 ==================================================================
12:27:10 Info: Package Body RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE checked out from Team Coding
12:27:10 ==================================================================
12:27:10 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:10 Request:
12:27:10 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:10 Response:
12:27:11 commit 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea
12:27:11 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:11 Date: 1539095883 +0200
12:27:11 Zwischenstand
"12:27:11 :100644 100644 298a134 4a56bcf M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 commit e9b601b24519d8f63e1d2449697841b1660d9ed6
12:27:11 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:11 Date: 1537538138 +0200
12:27:11 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:11 :100644 100644 c631671 298a134 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 commit ad16d0e4b05489dd7536338b5a3eb8b322028e9f
12:27:11 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:11 Date: 1536743115 +0200
12:27:11 Zwischenstand
"12:27:11 :100644 100644 3969b06 c631671 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 commit 011ceb14b24c92ebdc595ed9ac00bdfb67f12b80
12:27:11 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:11 Date: 1535126517 +0200
12:27:11 Zwischenstand
"12:27:11 :100644 100644 9f508ef 3969b06 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 commit 0d039129028a2cfa961d038bdf847e441fa86eb3
12:27:11 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:11 Date: 1534928885 +0200
12:27:11 Comment
"12:27:11 :000000 100644 0000000 9f508ef A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 ==================================================================
12:27:11 ==================================================================
12:27:11 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:11 Request:
12:27:11 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:11 Response:
12:27:12 commit 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea
12:27:12 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:12 Date: 1539095883 +0200
12:27:12 Zwischenstand
"12:27:12 :100644 100644 298a134 4a56bcf M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 commit e9b601b24519d8f63e1d2449697841b1660d9ed6
12:27:12 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:12 Date: 1537538138 +0200
12:27:12 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:12 :100644 100644 c631671 298a134 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 commit ad16d0e4b05489dd7536338b5a3eb8b322028e9f
12:27:12 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:12 Date: 1536743115 +0200
12:27:12 Zwischenstand
"12:27:12 :100644 100644 3969b06 c631671 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 commit 011ceb14b24c92ebdc595ed9ac00bdfb67f12b80
12:27:12 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:12 Date: 1535126517 +0200
12:27:12 Zwischenstand
"12:27:12 :100644 100644 9f508ef 3969b06 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 commit 0d039129028a2cfa961d038bdf847e441fa86eb3
12:27:12 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:12 Date: 1534928885 +0200
12:27:12 Comment
"12:27:12 :000000 100644 0000000 9f508ef A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 ==================================================================
12:27:12 ==================================================================
12:27:12 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:12 Request:
12:27:12 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" checkout 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:12 Response:
12:27:12 Updated 1 path from 9c705cd
12:27:12 ==================================================================
12:27:12 ==================================================================
12:27:12 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:12 Request:
12:27:12 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 Response:
12:27:13 commit 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea
12:27:13 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:13 Date: 1539095883 +0200
12:27:13 Zwischenstand
"12:27:13 :100644 100644 298a134 4a56bcf M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 commit e9b601b24519d8f63e1d2449697841b1660d9ed6
12:27:13 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:13 Date: 1537538138 +0200
12:27:13 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:13 :100644 100644 c631671 298a134 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 commit ad16d0e4b05489dd7536338b5a3eb8b322028e9f
12:27:13 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:13 Date: 1536743115 +0200
12:27:13 Zwischenstand
"12:27:13 :100644 100644 3969b06 c631671 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 commit 011ceb14b24c92ebdc595ed9ac00bdfb67f12b80
12:27:13 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:13 Date: 1535126517 +0200
12:27:13 Zwischenstand
"12:27:13 :100644 100644 9f508ef 3969b06 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 commit 0d039129028a2cfa961d038bdf847e441fa86eb3
12:27:13 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:13 Date: 1534928885 +0200
12:27:13 Comment
"12:27:13 :000000 100644 0000000 9f508ef A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:13 ==================================================================
12:27:13 ==================================================================
12:27:13 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:13 Request:
12:27:13 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 Response:
12:27:14 commit 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea
12:27:14 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:14 Date: 1539095883 +0200
12:27:14 Zwischenstand
"12:27:14 :100644 100644 298a134 4a56bcf M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 commit e9b601b24519d8f63e1d2449697841b1660d9ed6
12:27:14 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:14 Date: 1537538138 +0200
12:27:14 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:14 :100644 100644 c631671 298a134 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 commit ad16d0e4b05489dd7536338b5a3eb8b322028e9f
12:27:14 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:14 Date: 1536743115 +0200
12:27:14 Zwischenstand
"12:27:14 :100644 100644 3969b06 c631671 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 commit 011ceb14b24c92ebdc595ed9ac00bdfb67f12b80
12:27:14 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:14 Date: 1535126517 +0200
12:27:14 Zwischenstand
"12:27:14 :100644 100644 9f508ef 3969b06 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 commit 0d039129028a2cfa961d038bdf847e441fa86eb3
12:27:14 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:14 Date: 1534928885 +0200
12:27:14 Comment
"12:27:14 :000000 100644 0000000 9f508ef A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 ==================================================================
12:27:14 ==================================================================
12:27:14 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:14 Request:
12:27:14 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" ls-files "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:14 Response:
12:27:14 ==================================================================
12:27:14 ==================================================================
12:27:14 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:14 Request:
12:27:14 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" status --short "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:15 ==================================================================
12:27:15 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:15 Request:
12:27:15 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" checkout 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:15 Response:
12:27:15 Updated 0 paths from 9c705cd
12:27:15 ==================================================================
12:27:15 ==================================================================
12:27:15 Method Name: VCS Command
12:27:15 Request:
12:27:15 "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" log --raw --date=raw "RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:15 Response:
12:27:16 commit 760182d9b021fb9b76e609904ecdeb7478050eea
12:27:16 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:16 Date: 1539095883 +0200
12:27:16 Zwischenstand
"12:27:16 :100644 100644 298a134 4a56bcf M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:16 commit e9b601b24519d8f63e1d2449697841b1660d9ed6
12:27:16 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:16 Date: 1537538138 +0200
12:27:16 UPDATE/DELETE Termine hinzugefügt
"12:27:16 :100644 100644 c631671 298a134 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:16 commit ad16d0e4b05489dd7536338b5a3eb8b322028e9f
12:27:16 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:16 Date: 1536743115 +0200
12:27:16 Zwischenstand
"12:27:16 :100644 100644 3969b06 c631671 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:16 commit 011ceb14b24c92ebdc595ed9ac00bdfb67f12b80
12:27:16 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:16 Date: 1535126517 +0200
12:27:16 Zwischenstand
"12:27:16 :100644 100644 9f508ef 3969b06 M database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:16 commit 0d039129028a2cfa961d038bdf847e441fa86eb3
12:27:16 Author: XXX YYY aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd
12:27:16 Date: 1534928885 +0200
12:27:16 Comment
"12:27:16 :000000 100644 0000000 9f508ef A database/RUFBEREITSCHAFT/RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE.PKS"
12:27:16 ==================================================================
12:27:16 Info: Package RUFB.PKG_DML_RUFB_TERMINE checked out from Team Coding

Hi iamcord,

Looking through your log output, I am seeing some very slow performance within your environment. The kind of performance you're seeing is not normal within Team Coding or Git. There will be a slight delay with each command as Team Coding needs to get pieces of information from Git in order to synchronize between the local repository and the database; however in attempting the same thing internally using both Toad 13.3 and Toad 14.0, I'm seeing checkout times of approximately one second per database object, which includes the time to get the current object's revision information, do the checkout, and then verify the object's revision in the local copy of the repository.

We have seen situations in the past where real-time anti-virus protection can significantly hinder VCS checkout performance within Toad -- especially as Toad attempts to keep files synchronized between the local repository and the database code. Most anti-virus applications (including Windows Defender) have the ability to exclude folders from real-time scanning. I'd probably recommend checking to see if you have real-time protection enabled; and if you do, add your local VCS repository to the list of excluded folders for scanning. I would also recommend adding your "AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle" folder to that list as well since Team Coding will cache both the VCS file's and database object's source in that folder in case the file's source is inadvertently updated in the VCS outside of Team Coding.

Feel free to give that a try and let us know if that helps alleviate the performance issues you're seeing.



Hi John,

thank you for your explanation.
We have to work it out with our IT support.
I guess this will take a few days but I will let you know the outcome.

Best Regards

Hi John,

I am experiencing some painfully slow checkout times on my end as well. Before posting this, I made sure to have one of our Systems Engineer whitelist Git.exe through our anti-virus.

In this case it is taking upwards of 2 minutes to check out one package. Our Git repo includes all packages for our ERP (Banner).

17:27:42 ==================================================================
17:27:42 Method Name: VCS Command
17:27:42 Request:
17:27:42 git.exe log --raw --date=raw "FILE.PKB"
17:28:56 Response:
17:28:56 commit 6c72f13dc75339cae527c556764e4cb9cd388d08
17:28:56 Author: Lucas Schmidt
17:28:56 Date: 1612995312 -0600
17:28:56 Init packages
"17:28:56 :000000 100644 00000000 ac258b0d A FILE.PKB"
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 Method Name: VCS Command
17:28:56 Request:
17:28:56 git.exe ls-files "FILE.PKB"
17:28:56 Response:
17:28:56 FILE.PKB
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 Method Name: VCS Command
17:28:56 Request:
17:28:56 git.exe status --short "FILE.PKB"
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 Method Name: VCS Command
17:28:56 Request:
17:28:56 git.exe checkout 6c72f13dc75339cae527c556764e4cb9cd388d08 "FILE.PKB"
17:28:56 ==================================================================
17:28:56 Method Name: VCS Command
17:28:56 Request:
17:28:56 git.exe log --raw --date=raw "FILE.PKB"
17:29:11 Response:
17:29:11 commit 6c72f13dc75339cae527c556764e4cb9cd388d08
17:29:11 Author: Lucas Schmidt
17:29:11 Date: 1612995312 -0600
17:29:11 Init packages
"17:29:11 :000000 100644 00000000 ac258b0d A FILE.PKB"
17:29:11 ==================================================================
17:29:11 Info: File successfully checked out:

Is there anything else you can recommend to speed things up? We are on Toad for Oracle 14.1.


Hi Luke,

The times you're reporting are definitely slower than what Git should be. I would make sure you whitelist not just the Git executable, but also the folder (and subfolders) you use for your local Git repository, as well as Toad's AppData folder, which it typically located in:

c:\users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle

When you check out objects, Toad will cache the DDL source of those objects in a subfolder in that location.

Of course, if you're using multiple anti-malware applications, you'll want to make sure you whitelist these folders and applications in all those applications.

I would also try executing those Git commands from the command line to see how the performance is outside of Toad. I have seen situations where the local Git database can slow down when lots of files and/or history is added. From your log output, it seems the slowest times are when the "git log" command is issued. Try executing that command in Windows command line and see how it performs.

Let us know if that helps alleviate the performance issues you're seeing.


Hi John,

I have added the files and folders you were recommending, but I am not seeing a significant improvement in times when performing the check out in Toad for Oracle. The checkout command is running approximately 15 seconds both in Toad for Oracle and the Windows command line.

Altogether that is approximately 90 seconds to check out one file.

Do you have any other suggestions on how to speed this up?


Hi Lucas,

If both Toad for Oracle and Git's command line client in Windows are executing a command in the same amount of time, then it sounds like either something in your environment is slowing down the command, or something inside of Git's internal database is slowing down the command.

Is this issue only happening on your computer or is this also happening on coworker computers? Do you have any other anti-malware applications on your computer? Also, if you are using a central repository for your Git repo, have you tried renaming your original local repository, doing a new checkout of your central repository to recreate/refresh Git's local database, and then trying it again in Toad?
