I use a few different tools for testing databases and testing the packages and
the API’s that are created.
I really do like Toad, except for one key area. This is the ability to test an
API quick and easy.
I have yet to find a real good easy way to do this in Toad, but in PL/SQL
Developer I do it as follows.
I find the API, it may be a stand alone or in a package.
Then I right clink on the API
In the context menu I select Test
This in turn shows me a test window, and here I enter in my input data
I exec the API
Then in the test with I can also see the cursor and view the data.
It is so easy to do, and with the power that Toad has in some many other areas I
find it hard to believe that testing should be so hard.
I am not wanting to alter the code as this is always a pain point for QA, do not
alter the code
This is kind of that I an looking for, may be i am going about this the hard
way. I test bother functions and procedures. Here is a same of how I more times
then not can get a procedures to allow me to see the output cursor.
Steps need:
I find the Package that the procedure is in using ‘Schema Browser’
Single click so I may see the code in the Right Hand Side on the App
Then I click on the ’ Lighten Bolt’ on the Package Tab
This brings up the 'Set Parameters; Pop up window.
Here I set the Arguments
Then click on the Options tab.
Check 'Print OUT Arguments/RETURN values to DBMS Output ---- I also selct the
radio button 'Load into grid from memory (Strong and weak)
For a Function I have not found a mthod yet.
How however for PL/SQL Dev. for both a Function and Procedure here are the
First find the Function and Procedure and right click
In the right hand side of the app - you should see a test window
Enter in the Arguments
Exec the Arguments ( or step into debug mode)
Then in the data grid look at the results if a function or double click to
expaned the cursor.
If anyone can point me to a PDF / white paper that outlines the best way to test
such things in Toad that would be Great.
I really want to get to to point of having just one app, and for most all other
tasks Toad Wins, but this one alone is a show stopper.
The method to test should be short and sweet like the rest of the app.