Testing PL/SQL in SQL Navigator

You’ll have to excuse the novice here.

I’ve just written my first PL/SQL routine. YEH! I am trying to test it and have some messages in the PL/SQL but I don’t see them coming out anywhere. The PL/SQL is running but it is not doing what it should and I was hoping the embedded messages I have within my PL/SQL might help.

Also…when Oracle spits back line number errors, is there any easy way to find those within SQL Navigator???

I appreciate your review and am hopeful for a replay.

Thanks in advance.


To view PL/SQL output, click the button to ‘Turn the Server Output ON’ on the toolbar. It’s right next to the Session dropdown.

There are two ways to easily track the error.

  • Go to View > Preferences and tick the option Code Editor > General > Show Line Numbers
  • There is an Error pane that lists out all the errors. Click on each error and the cursor will jump to the associated line.

Hope this helps,