I was reading the Toad blogs and I came across the Script Manager. This is new to me, so I started exploring. I got script manager started, but the ‘add script’, ‘edit script’ buttons are all greyed out. Maybe I am missing something obvious.
It started out as a way to create a collection of scripts and run them all at
once. Then it matured into being able to run a script on multiple databases. Of
course everyone is finding their own way to work with it, I’m sure folks will
chime in.
You can create different ‘datafiles,’ which is just a definition of a
collection of files, so those datafiles could represent different categories of
scripts for different purposes. Note that we deliver a few example datafiles
– ‘DBA.sdf’ and so on
If you click the checkbox in the ‘On File Menu’ column, the script will
appear on the main toolbar in two places:
File > Run Script
And the toolbar’s ‘Script Manager’ toolbutton.
If you click it once it will execute it. This is for quickly executing scripts
with a single click
I was wondering if I could execute the following statements (there are atleast 2000 of these ) through scrpit manager . These statemnts are generated by Import table data’ using generate sql file functionality .
The statemnts involve a identity type of coulmn in oracle like PROJECT_TRACKER_VALUE_SEQ.NEXTVAL