Toad Fridays....

ARrrrggg… thar be rats abondenin’ me ship… time for me ta be
a’leavin. See ye aboard the new ship when she sets sail!

Roger S.


ARrrrggg... thar be rats abondenin' me ship... time for me ta be
a'leavin. See ye aboard the new ship when she sets sail!

I think this means that you are leaving your current position and will
be back when you sign up for another position? If so, good luck (ye
scurvy dog!)

Norm. [TeamT]

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I think this means that you are leaving your current position

and will be back when you sign up for another position?

LOL, nah… just meant it was time for the weekend to start…

Although I can see how you might have thought that :slight_smile:

I have a rule regarding work: work does not come home!

Roger S.

glad to hear it! that would have been an abrupt departure for so active a
member. : )

the only people that do not take work home here in the US are subsidised
government ‘workers’ and BP

speaking of which…i sent my resume to tony but havent heard back?
Martin Gainty

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Tony has been a little busy saying dumb things on TV lately.

This morning on NPR they called him the slowest talking Englishman in

Martin Gainty

         com> To
         Sent by: TOAD Yahoogroup
         com cc

         06/07/2010 13:45 RE: [toad] Toad Fridays....

Please respond to

the only people that do not take work home here in the US are subsidised
government ‘workers’ and BP

speaking of which…i sent my resume to tony but havent heard back?
Martin Gainty

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Morning Roger,

LOL, nah... just meant it was time for the weekend to start...
Phew! Who on Earth would I argue with! :wink:

Although I can see how you might have thought that :slight_smile:
English - a language designed (!) to be as confusing as possible. Made
up of little bits stolen, here and there, from any country who were
bored at the weekends and decided to invade!

I have a rule regarding work: work does not come home!
So do I. Unfortunately, my real office is at home, so I have no choice!

Glad to hear you were not leaving us after all.

Norm. [TeamT]

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I have an existing Toad. Have to move from my desktop to laptop, so
I’ve installed on the laptop.


Now connections do show up on my laptop, however there are no passwords stored.
Do I need to copy anything else?

Toad.ini is where the “save passwords” setting is kept, so you
should bring that one over as well.

Hi Leo,

I have an existing Toad. Have to move from my
desktop to laptop, so I've installed on the laptop.


Now connections do show up on my laptop, however there are
no passwords stored. Do I need to copy anything else?
I'm afraid you'll have to re-enter all your passwords when you next
connect. The passwords are encrypted and tied (somehow) to your login
username and/or machine.

I recently had to change my account from ndunbar to ndunbar-cg and all
my passwords went west. I'm working my way through them all again
whenever I connect to the database(s0 for the first time.

It's a security thing - saves someone from grabbing your connection
details and installing it on their desktop and having free access to the
accounts you use that they might not be allowed to.

Norm. [TeamT]

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Thanks. The user names are the same (OS), the machine names are different…

Good point Norm. If you logon to your laptop using the same credentials as your desktop, you should be fine.

Copied Toad.ini. Did not make any difference.

If you copied over Toad.ini after the fact, it probably won’t work anyway.
Re-copy over all 3 files at the same time.

It worked EXACTLY as you said – copied all of the 3 files and passwords
are stored. Somewhere.

Thanks a lot.