Toad Script Running ignores SET autotrace traceonly

Environment tab shows System variables autotrace set to TRADEONLY EXPLAIN STATISTICS but query output is NOT suppressed.

Does this happen in Toad proper as well?

On Feb 26, 2016, at 3:15 PM, droeschley_109 wrote:

Toad Script Running ignores SET autotrace traceonly

Thread created by droeschley_109
Environment tab shows System variables autotrace set to TRADEONLY EXPLAIN STATISTICS but query output is NOT suppressed.

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A simple test in the Editor using Run as Script shows it does NOT work there either - results are displayed with TRACEONLY set.

I found that the Plan produced by SET AUTOTRACE is NOT the execution plan, but a simple Explain plan of the SQL. As such it’s not all that useful to me, though the statistics are somewhat useful. So it’s not a big deal to me to have TOAD recognize TRACEONLY.