TOAD sftp does not work

We use Toad’s sftp GUI to transmit files, but one of our servers always gets an SSH Authentication Error when we try to connect. We can use Tectia, FileZilla and WinSCP to sftp to this server - just not Toad’s sftp. We can open Toad and go out to the SQL Editor and enter $sftp user@server and connect with no problems as well - just the GUI fails and only on the one server. We can use the Toad sftp client for all of our other servers with no problems. Anybody got any ideas - we studied ssh_config and sshd_config on the server and compared to working servers and find no difference. Does anybody know how Toad executes the sftp session?

What version of Toad are you using? We’ve added various authentications to SFTP
over the years. What kind of authentication are you using on the server in


We use Toad 10.1, 10.5 and 11 none of them work. We are using keyboard-interactive authentication.

Are you using keyboard-interactive on any of the other servers where it works?