Toad SQL

Is there a way to globally set the create “drop if exists” statement for an object like a store procedure. So you don’t have to go into each database object and set it. I did it in previous release and can’t find it in this release so someone else can set there options to match.

Per chance if this what you are looking for :

If so Right mouse you object then do a View details . Toggle the Script Options
to you needs. Here are mine.

Hank Freeman

Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect

678.414.0090 my cell Primary

Per chance if this what you are looking for :

If so Right mouse you object then do a View details . Toggle the Script Options
to you needs. Here are mine.

Hank Freeman

Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect

678.414.0090 my cell Primary

Per chance if this what you are looking for :

If so Right mouse you object then do a View details . Toggle the Script Options
to you needs. Here are mine.

Hank Freeman

Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect

678.414.0090 my cell Primary

Yes, that’s it. Thanks

Yea! I didn’t know about this feature. My work just got easier.

You are welcome…

Hank Freeman

Senior Systems, Database/Data Warehouse Architect

678.414.0090 my cell Primary