community forums

We plan to use the community forums on the site for feedback. Beginning in July 2010, we will discontinue the toad_db2 and toaddb2beta Yahoo groups and use the forums exclusively.

If you have not already done so, please check out the forums at

This full-featured community offers a modern interface with differentiated forums, download areas, user participation points, beta programs, and much more. This is your community. Ask questions, post answers, and learn about Toad for DB2 from our Quest experts and other users like you. Toad DB2 product developers, QA, and product management will participate and contribute news and ideas about Toad for DB2 on this forum.

If you’re new to the community, sign in and visit the Discussion forums. From there, set watches to receive notifications about your favorite topics. You can then respond to these notifications from your own inbox.

We will post additional reminders on this topic as the cut-over nears.

We have decided to update our community forums to a better platform that will improve the content and collaboration available on that site. That update will occur late this year.
In the mean time, we will keep the Toad DB2 yahoo groups around until the upgrade has occured. Thanks for your patience and understanding.