Tools Menu Missing

Yesterday I launched Toad for SQL Server Freeware and noticed that the Tools menu is completely missing. Usually it appears between View and Window.

I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall. This did not resolve the problem. I have attached a support bundle in hopes that it will help. It contains all the requisite information about file versions and operating system information.
ToadSupportBundleToad for SQL (226 KB)

Hi Christopher,

I will see if I can get you a proper answer. Please stand by.


20161024_toad_tools_missing.jpegHi Christopher

Can you check that the tick for Visible hasn’t been removed.

If you right click on the Toolbar then click on Customize, all the available menu’s will appear at the top if you right click on the Tools one there should be a tick next to Visible

Worth a check :slight_smile:

Many thanks
