When loading the trace file I get an error for a specific line number.
Looking at the line, it appears to be an ESRI object type.
I'm guessing the error is because the bind isn't captured in its entirety.
If I'm right in the symptom, could this exception be captured and continue.
I understand the value won't be able to be presented, but I can live with that as long as the rest of the file is processed.
Toad for Oracle Xpert Edition (64-bit)
Add-Ons: DB Admin Module
Hi Sean,
Can you zip up and send me your trace file? You can email it to me at john.dorlon@quest.com. If it's too big to email, I can share a dropbox folder with you (or you could share one with me, whatever works for you).
Hi Sean,
This is fixed in the beta that was released this morning. If you are able to use the beta, please give it a try and let me know if it solves the problem.
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Just downloaded the beta and tried it against the bad trace file and it read it completely without error.
Thank you!
You set the standard for customer support.
It would have been easy and understandable to just say it was Oracle’s fault for writing corrupt trace files and Toad can’t be expected to handle every mistake Oracle makes (which would be true) but to write a change in YOUR code to fix a bug in THEIR code is really above and beyond.
I’ll have to wait until it’s in the GA release for the rest of the team to get mass deployment of the fix, but it’s good to know it’s coming.
Thank you again.
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Thanks for the kind words Sean. It means a lot to me to hear things like that.