how do i write back the calculation done in transform and cleanse function to the sql editor , if the sql transform check box was unchecked ?
The transform and Cleanse would not generate the SQL if you Don’t use SQL transform ( Uncheck SQL Transform check box ). So you can not have a sql to run it in SQL editor. If you need to have SQL generated please use SQL transform in calculated column rule.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks for your reply .
But in that case I can never go back to sql editor , if I have to make change to the query like add a new column or table ? And I always have to refer to .tct file instead of a sql file .
Thanks !
From: Shruti.Golwalkar []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] Transform and Cleanse to sql editor
RE: Transform and Cleanse to sql editor
Reply by Shruti.Golwalkar
The transform and Cleanse would not generate the SQL if you Don’t use SQL transform ( Uncheck SQL Transform check box ). So you can not have a sql to run it in SQL editor. If you need to have SQL generated please use SQL transform in calculated column rule.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
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I would suggest you use the SQL transform functions to create the new calculated column ( whenever you can) so that you can have SQL generated. In that case you don’t have to refer to .tct file.