Variable in file copy activity on file name

I have a string variable that is created in a set variable activity - To_char(Add_months(Current_date(), -1), ‘MMMM YYYY’) - the output is “April 2017”. In TDP 3.7 the file name would appear as “file name April 2017.xlsx” but in TDP 4.2 it appears as “file name ‘April 2017’.xlsx” with single quotes around the month and year. In the file copy activity I have “file name #month#.xlsx” Should I not be using the # to set off the variable?

Hello andy.corson,

This is a bug - i have created QAT-10709 task for getting this fixed.


I did notice that on the file activities you can select a file suffix, which takes care of this problem for the file name, but I still have the issue for email subjects.

But this bug is about string variables being qualified by aposroph - the file_suffix is about datetime value (not string value)… Hence i believe the “file suffix” doesn’t add any apostrophes. Could you please try to adjust the Set variable activity and change the data type from String to DateTime? Once you will do that the your format will be ignored because its datetime and not string…

Did changing to DateTime variable type resolve this? If not let me know so I can investigate.

In the latest Beta this issue is fixed along with a lot of other changes for support of bind vars. it would be very helpful is you could download and try the latest Beta with your scripts that use variables