I’m trying to work with variables in Automation Designer. I have a stored procedure that needs two variable values as input to populate a table.
These steps were done manually in the Toad Editor so far. What I want to do is get these two variables either as user input from a popup window
I found out how to set variables in the Automation Designer, but I didn’t figure out how to get them into “myStoredProcedure(VariableGoesInHere)”
Can this be done or are the Automation Designer variables just there to be used for generating a filename etc?
IMHO I would create procedure with two parameters and run it through scheduler (oracle job) or Automation designer (Actionable Query).
I already have a procedure and an actionable query in the automation designer.
The actionable query / stored procedure has to be called with different input values - and that's what I'm having trouble with.
Those are specified by the user and can't be scheduled, cause the user input can't be predicted. However, the user can run the action designer app.
I just want him to enter those two values in a graphical variable input pop up rather than have him tamper with the call of the stored procedure.
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Am 19.05.2015 um 11:04 schrieb Damir Vadas bounce-damirvadas_250@toadworld.com:
RE: Variables in Automation Designer
Reply by Damir Vadas
IMHO I would create procedure with two parameters and run it through scheduler (oracle job) or Automation designer (Actionable Query).
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