Version errors when auto completing column names from alias table

TOAD version: “Read only Base Edition - Trial Override license expires 9/12/2012”
Just installed it today. I have already input my current valid license info, don’t know why it’s still thinking it’s a trial.

Select bvcr.*
from BV_CLM_RCVR bvcr
inner join BV_CLM bvc on bvc.CLM_ID = bvcr.CLM_ID
left outer join BV_DSCRP_RSLT bdr on bdr.DSCRP_RSLT_ID = bvc.DSCRP_RSLT_ID
left outer join VACS_DEBT vd on vd.
where bvcr.RCVR_AUTH_CD=‘AU’
and bvcr.UPD_DTM>=convert(varchar,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,getdate()) -1,0),101) --‘Begin Prior month’
and bvcr.UPD_DTM<convert(varchar,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,getdate()),0),101) --‘Begin Current month’
and (bdr.PGM_AID_CD=‘03’ or bdr.PGM_AID_CD=‘42’)

Errors occur when:
I’m working in Editor to create a new query. I always assign table aliases.
I’m connected directly in TOAD to the datasource, an SQL2005 database.

Adding a table and typing alias name with a ‘.’ to pull up the column list to link the new table to an existing table in the SQL (see line 5 of SQL)

Actually, it was giving me errors pretty much every time I typed the table alias name and a ‘.’ to use the ‘auto-fill’ feature. Version 2.7 never gave me these errors.

Plus, when I highlighted the SQL to copy it to this error log I got multiple errors…just for highlighting the sql in the editor.

Error 1

SQL Server Database Error

Database ‘vd’ does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Stack Trace:
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.ExecuteQuery()
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.Execute()
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.CreateData(ILiveCache entry, IFilterLiveCache filter, FilterInfo filterInfo)
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.GetData(Boolean filtered, FilterInfo filterInfo)
at Quest.Toad.Trl.SqlTrl.GetTrls()
at Quest.Toad.CodeInsight.LanguageDialect.ReadOwnerList(IConnection connection, Insight insight, Boolean filtering, String defaultSchema, Boolean refresh)

Error 2

Encountered exception while processing exception

Could not load file or assembly ‘Teradata.Client.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=76b417ee2e04956c’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Stack Trace:
at Quest.Toad.Teradata.TeradataExceptionWrapper.HandleException(Object sender, ExceptionEventArgs args)
at Quest.Toad.Notification.NotificationManager.ExceptionDelegate(Object sender, ExceptionEventArgs args)

Error 3

SQL Server Database Error

Database ‘vd’ does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Stack Trace:
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.ExecuteQuery()
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.Execute()
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.CreateData(ILiveCache entry, IFilterLiveCache filter, FilterInfo filterInfo)
at Quest.Toad.Trl.BaseSqlTrl.GetData(Boolean filtered, FilterInfo filterInfo)
at Quest.Toad.Trl.SqlTrl.GetTrls()
at Quest.Toad.CodeInsight.LanguageDialect.ReadObjectList(IConnection connection, IncludeInsight include, String schema, List1 owners, String partialMatch, Boolean filtering, String defaultSchema, List1 defaultOwners, Boolean refresh)

Error 4

Encountered exception while processing exception

Could not load file or assembly ‘Teradata.Client.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=76b417ee2e04956c’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Stack Trace:
at Quest.Toad.Teradata.TeradataExceptionWrapper.HandleException(Object sender, ExceptionEventArgs args)
at Quest.Toad.Notification.NotificationManager.ExceptionDelegate(Object sender, ExceptionEventArgs args)

I’ve seen where you’ve told others that Error 2 and 4 should be fixed…maybe I need an even newer version?

We just released Toad Data Point version 3.2. In this release you can delete the trial key that comes embedded in the app.

Also, the Teradata error is resolved. Please download and try that version.
