Welcome! Use this forum to let us know of questions or problems you have

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We’d invite you to use this forum to let us know of any questions you have or problems you encounter with the Toad Edge product.

The better a problem is described, the better the assistance tends to be. In order to better assist with any issues, please include the following information in your initial post:

  • Any relevant environment details (such as operating system release and release of MySQL)
  • If possible a screenshot of the problem is useful
  • Describe the problem fully. What result was expected?
  • Can the issue be created on demand or is it intermittent?
  • If the problem can be created on demand, what are the exact steps to recreate the problem?

I downloaded Toad Edge today on MacOS. I created a Stored Procedure under my database.

I wanted to debug this stored procedure.

I Right Clicked on the my stored procedure in the Object Explorer but could not find any option to Debug.

Can some please guide me.