I think I am too late for 13.2 release. But it seems, as if the automatic save of the "Connection Bar Button Order" and "Named SQL" is broken. In previous (beta) releases, it saved all my edits on named SQLs and the button order automatically. I tried to just open Toad, edit in both places and immediately quit after (so no other operations or a second Toad opened). My changes are lost. I tried it also within my "normal" workflow (opening some connections, editing some sources etc). All changes are lost after closing and opening Toad again, too. Can somebody confirm this?
Yeah, I tried every possible combination of things to combine. Maybe my user_data is somehow corrupted. That's the only thing i did not try - starting with a fresh profile. And honestly I really would not like to do that, it's been a lot of customizing. Would it help you if i exported my profile and sent it to you via PM?
That data is stored in connections.xml, in the "RelativePosition" field. Each connection in there should have a different value for RelativePosition (starting with 0).
sorry for reviving this old thread. But I found out what is happening here. I use v13.3.0.181 now, so this issue carried over from 13.2. and I thought, I give it another shot
I opened Connections.xml in Notepad++ and checked when Toad writes to the file (Notepad++ monitors external changes to files). You update the file when
closing the "New Connection" dialogue (Whole file gets rewritten, it seems)
an actual connection is made (LastLogonTime, just that specific connection element gets updated and also just the timestamp)
not after the "Edit Connection Bar Button Order" dialog is OK'ed
not while quitting Toad completely
So if you open Toad, logon to some Databases, edit the button order for these opened connections directly from the toolbar context menu and quit Toad without doing anything else, these changes get lost. When you edit the button order from the context menu item, open and close the "New Connection" dialogue and quit Toad after that, the changes get written to the file. It also writes changes after editing the button order from the "New Connections" dialogue (obviously, cause you have to close it eventually ).
I configured Toad to not open the "New Connection" dialogue upon Toad start, maybe this affects this issue, too. I did not test that.
I hope this is somehow understandable and useful. If not, come back at my anytime.
For clarification, I am talking about this context menu item:
If you don't open (close, actually) the "New Connection" dialogue after that, all changes are discarded. Maybe the "Change Connection Bar Button Order" dialogue should directly write it's changes to the file?!