[] SVN and team coding

[] SVN and team coding

Morning Norm!

So, I’ve a problem using SVN with Toad.
I’m able to use Source Control of Toad using TortoiseSVN directly only without any problem.

TortoiseSVNSCC has weird behaviour: each time I check-in a file TortoiseSVNSCC display the check out dialog box.
and then it asks me a comment (that’s perfect). However it do not commit. The file in the working copy folder has a modified status and was never commited.

When creating a new Code control group, Team coding with TortoiseSVNSCC can’t retrieve neither the project name neither the working directory.

I think the problem may come from the SCC driver. The documentation says that the SCC driver must have the same version than the SVN client.However, there is no new SCC driver since 2005.

Please can you give some advices to be able to use SVN with Toad Team Coding?


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Morning Norm!

So, I've a problem using SVN with Toad.

I'm able to use Source Control of Toad using TortoiseSVN directly only without any problem.

TortoiseSVNSCC has weird behaviour: each time I check-in a file TortoiseSVNSCC display the check out dialog box.

and then it asks me a comment (that's perfect). However it do not commit. The file in the working copy folder has a modified status and was never commited.

When creating a new Code control group, Team coding with TortoiseSVNSCC can't retrieve neither the project name neither the working directory.

I think the problem may come from the SCC driver. The documentation says that the SCC driver must have the same version than the SVN client.However, there is no new SCC driver since 2005.

Please can you give advices to be able to use SVN with Toad Team Coding?


2009/10/8 Dunbar, Norman toad@dunbar-it.co.uk

Morning Seb,

I have a stupid question:

I've had many of those in the past! :wink:

Why does Toad need an SCC driver in Team Coding whereas it
use directly tortoise SVN in the source control?

The SCC driver is required to use, ahem, the SCC interface to Version

Control systems. That is a Microsoft defined "standard" (oops,
contradiction in terms there) and is not very well documents (or wasn't
and you had to sign an Non Disclosure Agreement as well in the past). In

Toad, there is Team Coding features that use the SCC interface. So in
order to use Subversion from Toad, you need an SCC driver.

TortoiseSVN is an application, usually on your path, which has a command
line interface as well as the GUI. Toad makes calls out to TortoiseSVN

to run various command line options and it is TortoiseSVN that does the
hard work of making things work.


Norm. [TeamT]

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Morning Seb,

So, I've a problem using SVN with Toad.
In which case, I'd be likely to guess that it is not Toad and it is not
Subversion that are causing the problems, it will be the SCC.

I'm able to use Source Control of Toad using TortoiseSVN
directly only without any problem.
Me too.

TortoiseSVNSCC has weird behaviour: each time I check-in a
file TortoiseSVNSCC display the check out dialog box.
Have you looked on the files area on yahoo groups for toad. I have a
document and pdf there all about Toad and SVN. James Parkhurst and I
spent a lot of time a while back trying to get it all working - so I
documented the process. It should still be relevant, but I know that
Subversion has moved on since then as has Toad. The SCC interface
probably has not.

and then it asks me a comment (that's perfect). However it
do not commit. The file in the working copy folder has a
modified status and was never committed.
I'm sure I've come across this with the SCC interface as well. The
problem is, you click the commit button, Toad tells the SCC to commit
and it goes off and does what it likes!

When creating a new Code control group, Team coding with
TortoiseSVNSCC can't retrieve neither the project name
neither the working directory.
I'm pretty sure my document covers this as well. However, I only ever
did this when using SCC interface to Subversion:

  • Create a working folder.
  • Check out the correct repository version and get all the files.
  • Open Toad [Sandals? :wink: ]
  • Open file in the MOE - the version control buttons become active.
  • Edit file, compile, test, etc.
  • Save file.
  • Commit. Prompted for commit message. OK.

All was well. However, I used to update many files in the MOE as part of
the same 'fix' or enhancement, so I had to commit them all separately.
Not good. In the end, I used Toad to edit the files etc, and TortoiseSVN
to do the Subversion work because I could then choose all the files to
commit together. Like a database transaction, everything related gets
committed - not one statement at a time.

I think the problem may come from the SCC driver. The
documentation says that the SCC driver must have the same
version than the SVN client. However, there is no new SCC
driver since 2005.
No, this is unfortunately true.

Please can you give some advices to be able to use SVN with
Toad Team Coding?
See above. Quite simply, the SCC interface Toad has to use (in order to
use the same interface for almost any version control system available)
is outdated and pretty useless (in my opinion) when you have multiple
files to work with - even CVS allows many files to be committed together

  • and is basically unworkable.

Use Toad for the Oracle work and use svn commit -m "etc etc" from the
command line, or TortoiseSVN from the GUI to handle the Subversion

Until Toad gets a dedicated Subversion interface (say to the svn
commands) then I'm afraid the SCC interface will get in the way of real
work. Alternatively, if you have TortoiseSVN installed, select that in
the drop down and simply avoid choosing projects and so on. Just use the
commit and revert buttons.

Sorry this isn't the answer you were probably looking for, but SCC is
old technology and isn't much good really.

(Other opinions are available, of course, even if they are wrong!!!!!)

Norm. [TeamT]

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Thanks Norm,

I really appreciate your helps and advices.

I hope the SVN will be fully manage in TOAD soon.


2009/10/9 Dunbar, Norman toad@dunbar-it.co.uk

Morning Seb,

So, I've a problem using SVN with Toad.

In which case, I'd be likely to guess that it is not Toad and it is not
Subversion that are causing the problems, it will be the SCC.

I'm able to use Source Control of Toad using TortoiseSVN
directly only without any problem.

Me too.

TortoiseSVNSCC has weird behaviour: each time I check-in a
file TortoiseSVNSCC display the check out dialog box.

Have you looked on the files area on yahoo groups for toad. I have a

document and pdf there all about Toad and SVN. James Parkhurst and I
spent a lot of time a while back trying to get it all working - so I
documented the process. It should still be relevant, but I know that
Subversion has moved on since then as has Toad. The SCC interface

probably has not.

and then it asks me a comment (that's perfect). However it
do not commit. The file in the working copy folder has a

modified status and was never committed.

I'm sure I've come across this with the SCC interface as well. The
problem is, you click the commit button, Toad tells the SCC to commit
and it goes off and does what it likes!

When creating a new Code control group, Team coding with
TortoiseSVNSCC can't retrieve neither the project name
neither the working directory.

I'm pretty sure my document covers this as well. However, I only ever

did this when using SCC interface to Subversion:

  • Create a working folder.

  • Check out the correct repository version and get all the files.

  • Open Toad [Sandals? :wink: ]

  • Open file in the MOE - the version control buttons become active.

  • Edit file, compile, test, etc.

  • Save file.

  • Commit. Prompted for commit message. OK.

All was well. However, I used to update many files in the MOE as part of
the same 'fix' or enhancement, so I had to commit them all separately.

Not good. In the end, I used Toad to edit the files etc, and TortoiseSVN
to do the Subversion work because I could then choose all the files to
commit together. Like a database transaction, everything related gets

committed - not one statement at a time.

I think the problem may come from the SCC driver. The
documentation says that the SCC driver must have the same
version than the SVN client. However, there is no new SCC

driver since 2005.

No, this is unfortunately true.

Please can you give some advices to be able to use SVN with
Toad Team Coding?

See above. Quite simply, the SCC interface Toad has to use (in order to
use the same interface for almost any version control system available)

is outdated and pretty useless (in my opinion) when you have multiple
files to work with - even CVS allows many files to be committed together

  • and is basically unworkable.

Use Toad for the Oracle work and use svn commit -m "etc etc" from the

command line, or TortoiseSVN from the GUI to handle the Subversion

Until Toad gets a dedicated Subversion interface (say to the svn
commands) then I'm afraid the SCC interface will get in the way of real

work. Alternatively, if you have TortoiseSVN installed, select that in
the drop down and simply avoid choosing projects and so on. Just use the
commit and revert buttons.

Sorry this isn't the answer you were probably looking for, but SCC is

old technology and isn't much good really.

(Other opinions are available, of course, even if they are wrong!!!!!)

Norm. [TeamT]

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else. We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it. We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes. If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at www.environment-agency.gov.uk

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>Hey Seb,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>First off, thanks to Norm for putting
together some incredible information, and always being there to provide help to
our users!!!!!
size=2 color=navy face=Arial>


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>The only thing I’ll add to this
thread is this: I’d also recommend getting involved with the Toad beta
group, if you’ve not already done so, Seb. You might be surprised to see
what comes down the pipeline in the near future.
color=navy face=Wingdings>




face="Times New Roman">

toad@yahoogroups.com [mailto:toad@yahoogroups.com] **
bold'>On Behalf Of** saraseb saraseb

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009
5:38 AM

To: toad@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [toad] Re: []
SVN and team coding



12.0pt'>Thanks Norm,


12.0pt'>I really appreciate your helps and advices.


12.0pt'>I hope the SVN will be fully manage in TOAD soon.




12.0pt'>2009/10/9 Dunbar, Norman


style='font-size:12.0pt'>Morning Seb,


So, I've a problem using SVN with Toad.

style='font-size:12.0pt'>In which case, I'd be likely to guess that it is not
Toad and it is not

Subversion that are causing the problems, it will be the SCC.


I'm able to use Source Control of Toad using TortoiseSVN

directly only without any problem.

style='font-size:12.0pt'>Me too.


TortoiseSVNSCC has weird behaviour: each time I check-in a

file TortoiseSVNSCC display the check out dialog box.

style='font-size:12.0pt'>Have you looked on the files area on yahoo groups for
toad. I have a

document and pdf there all about Toad and SVN. James Parkhurst and I

spent a lot of time a while back trying to get it all working - so I

documented the process. It should still be relevant, but I know that

Subversion has moved on since then as has Toad. The SCC interface

probably has not.


and then it asks me a comment (that's perfect). However it

do not commit. The file in the working copy folder has a

style='font-size:12.0pt'>>> modified status and was never committed.

I'm sure I've come across this with the SCC interface as well. The

problem is, you click the commit button, Toad tells the SCC to commit

and it goes off and does what it likes!


When creating a new Code control group, Team coding with

TortoiseSVNSCC can't retrieve neither the project name

neither the working directory.

style='font-size:12.0pt'>I'm pretty sure my document covers this as well.
However, I only ever

did this when using SCC interface to Subversion:

  • Create a working folder.

  • Check out the correct repository version and get all the files.

  • Open Toad [Sandals? :wink: ]

  • Open file in the MOE - the version control buttons become active.

  • Edit file, compile, test, etc.

  • Save file.

  • Commit. Prompted for commit message. OK.

All was well. However, I used to update many files in the MOE as part of

the same 'fix' or enhancement, so I had to commit them all separately.

Not good. In the end, I used Toad to edit the files etc, and TortoiseSVN

to do the Subversion work because I could then choose all the files to

commit together. Like a database transaction, everything related gets

committed - not one statement at a time.


I think the problem may come from the SCC driver. The

documentation says that the SCC driver must have the same

version than the SVN client. However, there is no new SCC

driver since 2005.

style='font-size:12.0pt'>No, this is unfortunately true.


Please can you give some advices to be able to use SVN with

Toad Team Coding?

style='font-size:12.0pt'>See above. Quite simply, the SCC interface Toad has to
use (in order to

use the same interface for almost any version control system available)

is outdated and pretty useless (in my opinion) when you have multiple

files to work with - even CVS allows many files to be committed together

  • and is basically unworkable.

Use Toad for the Oracle work and use svn commit -m "etc etc" from the

command line, or TortoiseSVN from the GUI to handle the Subversion


Until Toad gets a dedicated Subversion interface (say to the svn

commands) then I'm afraid the SCC interface will get in the way of real

work. Alternatively, if you have TortoiseSVN installed, select that in

the drop down and simply avoid choosing projects and so on. Just use the

commit and revert buttons.

Sorry this isn't the answer you were probably looking for, but SCC is

old technology and isn't much good really.

(Other opinions are available, of course, even if they are wrong!!!!!)




Norm. [TeamT]

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Hi John,

First off, thanks to Norm for putting together some
incredible information, and always being there to provide
help to our users!!!!! :slight_smile:


Many years ago, as a fledgling DBA with no training and while following
instructions left by the recently departed DBA, I trashed a database. It
was the source repository for our software house and I had over 150
developers twiddling their thumbs waiting on me to fix it.

I didn't have a clue!

Through the wonders of the internet, a DBA that I didn't know helped me
out until about 02:00 in the AM. We got the system back. He asked for
nothing in return, so we found out who he was and where he was and a
bottle of fine Malt Whisky was soon on it's way to him.

What I do now is pay back!

Norm. [TeamT]

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd
Orchard House
10a Greenacre Park Mews
LS19 6RT

Tel: 0779 3292 984
Tel: 0773 4531 439

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