Subversion integration with toad

Do I need to use Team Coding to be able to use Subversion within Toad? When I run through tutorials that I have found on the web they always mention team coding.

Thanks for your time.


Hi Larry,

Do I need to use Team Coding to be able to use Subversion
within Toad? When I run through tutorials that I have found
on the web they always mention team coding. Thanks for your
time. Larry

I suspect Stephen (The Version Control Guy) will chime in at some point, but "no".

There are two bits of version control in Toad, if you like. Legacy Version Control and Third Party.

I've never used Legacy (the bottom bit of the options->Source control dialogue), only Third Party.

Depending on the version on Toad, I have 10.6, you can select a provider in the drop down, set the appropriate options as required, check the boxes for "Prompt for commit comment" and "Prompt for add file comment" (if desired) and off you go.

For Subversion there are two options in 10.6 GA:

  • Subversion (SVN); and
  • Tortoise SVN v n.n.n.n

I have the Subversion client tools installed on my desktop so I can use the former. I also have Tortoise SVN installed and can choose the latter as well.

If you get a prompt to install Toad objects on a database, you are using Legacy - best avoided (other opinions may differ), stick with Third Party.

Bear in mind though, while improvements are coming, it's not yet possible to check in all the files open in the MOE - just the one in your active tab. This might not be "correct operating procedure" for a bug-fix that needs 10 files to be edited and committed as one transaction.

For this reason, I use Toad to do the editing of all the files, but I stay away from Source Control within the MOE, and when done and dusted, I use svn commit -m "..." or Tortoise SVN to commit everything together.


Norm. [TeamT]

Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
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Thanks Norm.

I will start a new thread for my troubleshooting of setting up SVN.


Hi Larry and Norman,

I just spotted this thread . Thanks for the response Norm.

Larry I am loading SVN and Tortoise SVN and reviewing the issue you described .

Norm is correct , you do not need Team Coding to use version control.

The two provide somewhat different functionality.

Source Control allows you to Check In / Out Files to your selected provider
directly from the Toad Editor. All that is required is that you have the Source
Control client installed and the settings described by Norm.

Team Coding enables you to control Database Objects and Source Files for Teams
of Developers. It uses the VCS Repository to maintain a history of changes. It
requires the installation of Sever Side Objects.
