With Ctrl-T I requested a pop-up of possible options. Schema names in this case. The list contains a single entry only.
When I select that enry, I get access violation:

I have saved the toad.el file. If you need it, just let me know.
After the second failure, Ctrl-T no longer shows any pop-up. Also, after typing a period, no pop-up is hsown.
I can still type anything, though. and queries execute without issue.
Abe Kornelis
Send it to me, Abe.
On 02/03/2015 03:56 AM, kornelis.abe wrote:
Access violation when selecting from Ctrl-T drop-down
Thread created by kornelis.abe
With Ctrl-T I requested a pop-up of possible options. Schema names in this case. The list contains a single entry only.
When I select that enry, I get access violation:

I have saved the toad.el file. If you need it, just let me know.
After the second failure, Ctrl-T no longer shows any pop-up. Also, after typing a period, no pop-up is hsown.
I can still type anything, though. and queries execute without issue.
Abe Kornelis
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