We have been using Toad very successfully when we were mySQL based, but now have moved on due to changing requirements to PostgreSQL. All of the free and many of the paid options we looked at and settled on are missing the basic features we have come to enjoy with Toad.
Is there ay news regarding a toad version for use in PostgreSQL ?
Hi ! Our upcoming Toad Edge product (see http://www.toadworld.com/products/toad-edge) is expected out in the August timeframe and while it will initially will only support MySQL, we are targeting a PostgreSQL edition coming out fairly soon thereafter.
Also - currently Toad Data Point (http://www.toadworld.com/products/toad-data-point) can connect to multiple databases including PostgreSQL. Toad Data Point is a Toad product that is built for analysts with strong query, profiling, transformation and cleanse and automation features.