Automation - Email import

Is there a way to import a preformatted email to include into the automation script? I see you can use file for body, but what about the TO and CC and Subject Fields?

The issue I am having is that everytime I want to setup email I have to long type out email addresses instead of just the names which would normally autoresolve in outlook from our Corporate address book.



Seems like templates is what you need. Any activity in the script can be saved as a template for later use. Create SendEmailActivity and fill it in with all necessary information. Then select and right click it. Select Save As Template in pop-up menu (see attached EmailAsATemplate.jpg). Submit a name of the template in the dialog. Email activity with all the properties you submitted will be saved as a template and will be available for the later use in the Templates section at the bottom of the Automation toolbox (see attached EmailTemplate.jpg). Next time you need it just click it and prefilled Email activity will be added to your automation script.

Let us know if it’s what you need.




Seems like templates is what you need. Any activity in the script can be saved as a template for later use. Create SendEmailActivity and fill it in with all necessary information. Then select and right click it. Select Save As Template in pop-up menu (see attached EmailAsATemplate.jpg). Submit a name of the template in the dialog. Email activity with all the properties you submitted will be saved as a template and will be available for the later use in the Templates section at the bottom of the Automation toolbox (see attached EmailTemplate.jpg). Next time you need it just click it and prefilled Email activity will be added to your automation script.

Let us know if it’s what you need.



Thanks Igor, but that is not exactly what I mean.

I do have a template, however, I was hoping to create an email outside of the TDA program, then import it into the program to send out to the predefined list in the TO area.

The reason is because TDA has a hard time handing off to Outlook Exchange to resolve address book names. So I was seeking a way to have an email, that I can open at any time and change a name, add a name, change format, that is pulled into the Automation then sent out.

Is that possible with TDA? 3.0 maybe?


Sorry, I misunderstood your request. I don’t think it’s possible to accomplish exactly what you’re asking. Yes, we know about TDA’s limitations in using address book names (it’s in our plans btw) but if you have your list of addresses in any form that can be queried then probably TDA might help. Just to get an idea - take a look at Debbie’s blog about using variables in Automation ( and section ‘Putting it all together’ in particular.


You can use html output as the body of the email. You can also use a text file to do find and replace and make custom text to use as body of email. You can also insert datasets as csv in the body of the email.

RE: Address list. We do plan to support Outlook address lists but can not commit as to when. If I remember correctly, one of our users came up with a neat trick using rules to re-route emails.


I will take a look around the forum for address lists and outlook to see if I can find the users work around. Thanks for the responses and link.
