I am currently using Data Point 3.2. I have been asked to create 2 different files, one in an excel spreedsheet, the other in a Pipe delim file. I store both reports in a folder and then use the ftp to move a copy to another server folder.
Is there a way to run the query once and create 2 files and move one without having to re run the same query. I used the export file to create the excel and pipe files ( youo still have to load the query twice. Then I used the ftp to move the pipe file over to another server folder.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions to reduce the amount of times of the same query.
If you don’t use a variable name on the Excel output (no timestamp or any other variable as part of the file name) you can set up a standard connection to the Excel file. Then your export to Excel can overwrite the file each time and the next step can export it to a pipe delimited file. Then you can copy the Excel file to a name with a timestamp if you like. Always leave the standard named Excel file in place so your job won’t error out because it can’t connect to something that is not there.