Hello Mr. Staszewski,
here an sample Cursor PL/SQL code (see appended file).
In earlier TOAD versions we did add an empty line before and after the “cursor SQL” and did only
Strg-Enter within one “cursor SQL” line to direct test this SQL without needing to give in any parameter.
Thanks and Regards
Martin Reichelt
Oracle DBA
IS International Sourcing AG
Stockwiesenstr. 1
CH-8240 Thayngen
+41 52 6453 804
Von: Michael Staszewski [mailto:bounce-mstaszew@toadworld.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014 18:10
Betreff: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad for Oracle 12.1: PLSQL-Code with Cursor: Within Cursor: Shift-Enter: How to disable “Edit SQL” window ?
Reply by Michael Staszewski
Toad is trying to intelligently execute that SQL by converting references to PL/SQL identifiers into bind variables and stripping any INTO and RETURNING clause. It sounds like in your case it’s
making binds where there should not be. For 12.5 it’s gotten better although there are still a couple of outstanding issues that I’m working on. If you’d like to email me your cursor SQL as well as the SQL that appears in the Edit SQL dialog after Shift+F9
I’ll take a look.
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