Beta Released (

Beta Notes

Compare Schemas

Schema Compare is now threaded when run from the GUI, so you can do other things in Toad while�the CS�window runs in the background.

Note:� If you right-click a CS action in the Automation Designer, it will run non-threaded as before.

Compare Databases

Compare Databases is now threaded when run from the GUI, so you can do other things in Toad while the CDB window runs in the background.

Note:� If you right-click a CDB action in the Automation Designer, it will run non-threaded as before.

With 4700 tables containing 147K columns and 9500 indexes in an ERP schema that I regularly compare between Production and other environments, I had to run a schema compare, then go execute random SQLs as it ran, just because I could.

This will definitely come in handy for me. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Thanks!


Thanks to Dale for the nudge. And Michael for the assistance.

thank you all for persevering! I look forward to trying it out. (and I’m loving the Session Browser F6 - thanks)