Better support for Edition Based Redefinition

Editor: When working with several open connections and executing queries in threads it is very easy to loose track on which edition I compile my code in.

It would help me if I could see the session current edition name in the window I’m working in.

If I could also associate a colour to each edition (like the colour on each connection) it will help me to know whether I’m working in my current release or my next release.

Compare Schemas: It would be nice to select an edition name for both source and target. Comparing two editions in the same Schema could also be nice.

Schema Browser: In the Editions tab I would prefer reverse order in the Hierarchy view. I always want to work in the newest editions – never in the oldest.

ER diagram: It would be nice to see the table names and column names from the editioning views in stead of the tables. Primary keys, foreign keys, etc defined on the tables are still relevant.