[BUG] - Missing hotkeys on new open/save dialog

Could you add hotkeys on the new File Open/Save dialog, Like ALT+S for Save, ALT+O for open and ALT+C for cancel?

Hey Rob,

Good catch. I’ve added the ALT+S and ALT+O hotkeys for the Save and Open buttons, respectively. We already have the default hotkey of ESC for the cancel button.

Let me know if you come across anything else.



From: rob.steward [mailto:bounce-robsteward@beta.toadworld.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:35 PM

To: toadoraclebeta@beta.toadworld.com

Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] [BUG] - Missing hotkeys on new open/save dialog

Could you add hotkeys on the new File Open/Save dialog, Like ALT+S for Save, ALT+O for open and ALT+C for cancel?