I have installed on a machine SQL Nvigator 5.5 and instantclient_10_2
When I try to connect through SQL Navigator it sent a message CAN NOT FIND OCI DLL, I already check the folder that instantclient created and the oci.dll is there, I changed the PATH variable and add at the begining the path where the oci.dll is located
5.0 is kind of old version…I couldn’t find info…but from the 5.5 release notes I got:
"Some Instant Client Light clientzip package distributions have been found contain the oraociei10.dll DataShared Library instead oraociicus10.dll (specific for the light client). SQLNavigator requires oraociicus10.dlln if using the light client or it will failto start; workaround: add the oraociicus10.dll to the light clientdirectory."
Also if you are trying to connect to a 11g database that it only possible with at least version 5.4
I do not know if instant client was already supported for 5.0 version.
Maybe someone from quest can help you more…