Cannot create schema.The table has not been found in the DB schema [tableName=toadsecurity


I've been encountered intermittent errors while connecting to a ODBC db connection via TDP 4.6. Below is the debug output from the ODBC thing which stook out was "Cannot create schema.The table has not been found in the DB schema [tableName=toadsecurity". Any ideas on corrective action? Thanks!

SN Critical Tic 1064-f20	EXIT  SQLExecDirectW  with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
		HSTMT               0x000000002097ABC0
		WCHAR *             0x00000000041DC374 [      -3] "SELECT type, name FROM questsoftware.toadsecurity WHERE usertype = ? AND username = ?\ 0"
		SDWORD                    -3

		DIAG [HY000] [SN][ODBC ServiceNow driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Cannot create schema.The table has not been found in the DB schema [tableName=toadsecurity]. The table might not exist in the database or the table ACLs prevent user access to it. Hop on the instance, navigate to Tables, find the requested table and if it is there check ACLs.[1050] (1050) 

SN Critical Tic 1064-f20	ENTER SQLGetDiagRecW 
		SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
		SQLHANDLE           0x000000002097ABC0
		SQLSMALLINT                  1 
		SQLWCHAR *          0x0000000000DEBEF0
		SQLINTEGER *        0x0000000000DEC178
		SQLWCHAR *          0x000000002ABB08E0 
		SQLSMALLINT              16000 
		SQLSMALLINT *       0x0000000000DEC170

SN Critical Tic 1064-f20	EXIT  SQLGetDiagRecW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
		SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
		SQLHANDLE           0x000000002097ABC0
		SQLSMALLINT                  1 
		SQLWCHAR *          0x0000000000DEBEF0 [       5] "HY000"
		SQLINTEGER *        0x0000000000DEC178 (1050)
		SQLWCHAR *          0x000000002ABB08E0 [     337] "[SN][ODBC ServiceNow driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Cannot create schema.The table has not been found in the DB schema [tableName=toadsecurity]. The table might not exist in the database or the table ACLs prevent user access to it. Hop on the instance, navigate to Tables, find the requested table and if it is there check ACLs.[1050]"
		SQLSMALLINT              16000 
		SQLSMALLINT *       0x0000000000DEC170 (337)

The "SELECT type, name FROM questsoftware.toadsecurity WHERE usertype = ? AND username = ?" is valid. We are checking to see if you have set up Toad Security which uses a table named toadsecurity. Since you haven't it throws an error saying the table does not exist. The application catches and ignores the error. This is how we have coded it